Products for the Petroleum Industry


We manufacture Fluorinated Polyurethane (FPUTM) for carbon steel structures used in the petroleum industry: POL Tank

General Benefits of Fluorinated Polymers

Like most fluorinated polymers, such as PTFE or PVDF, an FPUTM coating has very low surface energy, is extremely stable (chemically non-reactive), flexible, abrasion resistant, dielectric, and impermeable to oxygen and water. These properties make FPUTM:

Specific Benefits of FPUTM

Unlike most fluorinated polymers, our FPUTM coatings are formulated from a set of original, patented polymers developed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL formula has many of the same robust protective properties as other fluorinated polymers, . However, unlike other fluorinated polymers, FPUTM coatings cure chemically at ambient temperature, and cross-link as they cure. This gives FPUTM several advantages over competitive products:


Interior, Welded Steel, POL Tank Lining

This system is based on the FPUTM WC-5TM top coat, which is enhanced with PTFE to provide an impermeable surface with extremely low surface energy (i.e., there is very little energy available for forming chemical bonds with soiling agents, water, or other solvents). U.S. Navy uses a WC-5TM based system, for its new large (250 barrel to 300,000 barrel) shore-based fuel tanks. The system is described in the Naval Facilities Guide Specification 09970, Interior Coatings for Welded Steel Tanks Petroleum Fuels. The FPUTM WC-5TM system lowers maintenance cost, because it:

Its impermeability to both oxygen and water is especially important in protecting the tank bottom from the effects of the under-the-fuel layer of water that condenses out at the base of the tank. WC-5TM prevents hydroxide ions, dissolved oxygen, corrosive solutes, and bacterial byproducts from reaching the tank surface. This helps to:

In modern tanks, the bottom has a 5% slope toward the center and inlet pipes that are angled so as to produce a swirling motion toward a center-mounted sump. With FPU's hydrophobic surface, the water forms beads that (together with particulates) glide along the slick bottom surface, toward the sump. With a WC-5 lining, these modern tanks are essentially self-cleaning. WC-5 also performs very well in ships and on offshore platforms as a corrosion barrier in mechanical rooms, CHT tanks, and other areas that are exposed to fuel, oil, or chemicals. It is Lloyds certified for Refined Spirits Tanks (MATS/2482/1), Crude Oil Tanks (MATS/2483/1), and Bilge and Double Hull Void Spaces (MATS/2484/1).

Exterior Exposed-Steel Corrosion Barrier

Our exterior coating system (based on the FPUTM WC-1TM, FPUTM WC-2TM, or FPUTM WC-15TM) provides excellent resistance to moisture, atmospheric pollutants, and UV radiation. In normal conditions, FPUTM WC-1TM provides the most cost-effective alternative. However, if the exterior surface is exposed to extreme weather (e.g. offshore platforms, dessert areas subject to sand storms and intense sun, or coastal areas subject to high wind with salt spray), we recommend FPUTM WC-15TM to provide additional mechanical toughness. WC-2 is for environments of intermediate severity (e.g., northern areas exposed to cold and ice but with otherwise normal weather; or coastal areas exposed to salt spray but with mild weather in other respects). WC-15 is suitable for full immersion in salt water, is approved in Australia for Potable Water applications (ICPW AS4020), and is Lloyds certified for Salt Water Ballast Tanks (MATS/2481/1). All of our WC Series, Exterior Exposed-Steel Corrosion Barrier topcoats are available (delivery times vary) in the formulations that are optimized for the following special requirements.

Here are some examples. WC-15 (ICE) provides excellent ice-releasing protection for the exposed electronics on the outside of an offshore platform. It sheds ICE up to 1/8 inch. WC-15 (E) is recommended for splash zone areas that are subject to repeated wetting and drying. WC-1 (NS) provides FPUTM protection plus a non-cutting, traction-enhancing agent that makes the surface suitable for decks, ladders and walkways.

Coating Systems

Our mild steel systems all require similar surface preparation and application procedures. Here is a representative system: